You mention not relying on thoughts and prayers. With the world burning 🔥 up, relying on thoughts and prayers is so ironic. Relying on prayers instead of being closer to a mythic god actually brings us closer to a reality of hell.

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What would help is the name and contact information of a vetted group organizing to put political pressure on the various governments, local, state, national. That is NOT led by someone looking to run for office and NOT paying himself outrageous salary and/or fees. This must be grassroots, IMO, as both parties are corrupt, again IMO.

My guess is that a legitimate organization does not exist..

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I think we are too late for going the 'climate negotiations' route. I have been part of various climate groups for over 30 years, and negotiations have gotten us nowhere.

We need action, boycotts, stopping fossil fuels.

You can't negotiate with greedy psychopaths

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Was responding then message disappeared. I understand what you want but we need legitimate organizer. Then, all that subscribe work to get 7 other legitimate concerned people that subscribe. Than each person in this new 7 recruit 7 more. Just a few iterations we would have a block of people with great economic power and political power.

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True, but we need to remove out of that chain of 7 the people who will block it "for the love of money". That's what the problem is right now. Greed.

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When some approaches another to be part of the 7, it cannot be random. One approaches another if and only if they are cognizant that the approached person believes in science, is not a MAGA Maggot, is rational. They approach people that are vetted by personal experience. Some may not get 7. Others may get more than 7. With this structure the growth of committed people is exponential and can become sizable quickly.

This is a proposal I suggested for signing up new voters here in Arizona. However, Democratic leaders here ignored it because they wanted to continue working the way they had always worked. I’ll be frank. Old establishment party leaders in both parties are dead wood, inflexible so one must eschew all those in Democratic leadership and organizers. We all know, if honest, democrats are too timid, filled with Cafe Latte liberals who talk a lot and do nothing.

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